Life Insurance : Ensuring The Final Claim Settlement
Life Insurance : Ensuring The Final Claim Settlement
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For surviving everyone needs money since it fuels our lives and makes us go through all the tough times with a pinch of ease.
Leaving resources that one seems fit to ensure uninterrupted continuance of the college fee of the little daughter, the first car of his son or the daily household expenses to maintain the current standard of living and much more. All of this when hoped to be compensated by the medium of life insurance raises the stakes of needing the sum assured amount without any trouble to a really high extent since a lot of things are depend on the same.
So in order to increase the chances of getting the claim as well as getting it as soon as possible read the complete blog post.
8 things to collect before filing a claim
- 1. The terms of insurance as well as the sum assured amount change depending upon the nature of death of insured. If a unnatural death occurs like a sudden accident or simply a severe attack by a wild animal it will lead to requirement of a postmortem report stating the cause of death of the insured. Such report shall be attested by a doctor.
- 2. A valid proof of residence of the nominee is also a necessity to get the claim amount. The word valid here means no mistakes in the residence proof. The mistakes can be incomplete name, date of birth indicating only the year of birth and even different names on the residence proof and insurance policy which usually happens in case of women who buy life insurance before marriage and forget to change the details on insurance products bought earlier. The proof of residence required normally would be Aadhar card and since a payment is involved the PAN card of the nominee is also a must.
- 3. One additional document that simply adds to the credibility of the claim application is a newspaper cutting about the death of the insured.
- 4. If the insured was admitted to a hospital for any treatment proceedings then a hospital discharge report is necessary. Even a photostat of the same would suffice with attestation.
- 5. A cancelled cheque with the name of nominee printed on it.
- 6. Aadhar card of two witnesses who shall be the neighbours of the insured are also mandatory.
- 7. An FIR as well as a PIR both are needed for initiating the claim settlement proceedings.
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